MPP Sverige



Some common certifications and their meaning


ADR is a common European regulatory framework for the transport of dangerous goods by road. The Swedish version of the regulations is called ADR-S, published by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).  ADR originally stands for Accord Européen Relatif au Transport International des Marchandises Dangereuses par Route. In English: European  Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

Exceptions from ADR

How and when can you drive your diesel tank based on the exemption rules for ADR transport? The regulations state, among other things, that: “Exceptions cannot be applied by companies that transport dangerous goods for their own storage, or for internal or external distribution.”


However, the provisions of ADR / ADR-S do not apply to:

– Transport of dangerous goods carried out by private individuals, if this goods are packaged for retail sale and are intended for personal or household use or for sports and leisure. This is provided that measures are taken to prevent the contents from coming out under normal transport conditions. When such goods consist of flammable liquids, transported in refillable containers filled by or for private individuals, the quantity must not exceed 60 liters per container and the total quantity must not exceed 240 liters per transport unit. Dangerous goods in IBCs, large packages or tanks are not considered to be packaged for retail sale.

– Transport carried out by companies in connection with their main activities, such as deliveries to or return deliveries from construction sites or areas or in connection with measurements, repairs or maintenance work; this in quantities not exceeding 450 liters per package, including IBCs and large packages, and not exceeding the maximum permissible total quantities specified in Measures must be taken to prevent the contents from coming out under normal transport conditions. However, the exceptions in this paragraph do not apply to Class 7. However, transports carried out by such companies for their storage or internal or external distribution do not fall under this exemption rule.

Here you can read more about current regulations (from 8).



A recurring term when talking about fuel tanks is IBC, which stands for intermediate bulk container. IBC tanks are designed to easily transport difficult-to-handle substances and dangerous goods. Thus, these tanks need to meet a number of requirements in terms of durability, manufacturing materials, volume, and more. The IBC tank must, for example, be ADR-approved in order to be able to legally transport fuel (the exception applies to ADR transport for private use with tanks of less than 450 liters).

We at MPP manufacture and sell IBC tanks in several practical formats and sizes, adapted to the many industries and environments where we know that safe and flexible fuel management is a must. Our pickup tank in aluminum is a good example: Pattern protected in the EU and Norway, PEFC-certified, made of a maintenance-free material and available in volumes from 150 up to 400 liters. In addition, you do not have to think about the best before date that is available at, for example, a plastic IBC tank, whose certificate time limit is a maximum of five years.
You will find current regulations here (from 985)


Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification – abbreviated PEFC – is a system for certification of environmentally friendly forestry. Tanks used by PEFC-certified companies must be UN-marked and have ADR certificates, but ADR-approved plastic tanks must still be discarded after five years and must also have a cast-in bell that shows when the tank was manufactured. Our aluminum pickup tank does not have such a best-before date, and the rust- and maintenance-free material also means that the fuel remains clean during storage. The tank meets all the requirements that the tanks PEFC-certified companies may use in their operations must live up to.


Environmentally approved tanks and storage tanks

Environmentally approved tanks and cisterns are embanked tanks, which is stated in the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations for storage of fuel within the Swedish water protection area: NFS 2021:10. The very term “environmentally approved tanks” is used in workplaces where only embanked tanks are allowed. The most common recommendation is to use a double-jacketed / embanked ADR tank. It can be used in – and move fuel to – every conceivable place, unless the workplace or the municipality says otherwise.

NFS 2021:10

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations for storage of fuel within the Swedish water protection area.

MSBFS 2018:3

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’s regulations and general advice on tanks and pipelines for fuel.

Which certificates and approvals do MPP’s diesel tanks meet?

Our diesel tanks are manufactured in accordance with MSBFS 2018: 3 standard, and meet the criteria for 12-year inspection intervals ( Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency; regulations and general advice on tanks and pipelines for, among other things, diesel ). They are also designed in accordance with the NFS 2021:10 standard (The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations for storage of, among other things, diesel within the Swedish water protection area ).

Which certificates and approvals do MPP’s diesel tanks meet?

Our diesel tanks are certified as IBC (Intermediate Bulk Container) packaging, in accordance with the following regulations and recommendations:

– UN-approved (UN recommendations for the transport of, among other things, diesel)

– ADR-approved (European regulations concerning international road transport of, among other things, diesel)

– RID-approved (international rules for the transport of, among other things, diesel by rail)

– IMDG-approved (code for international shipping with the transport of, among other things, diesel).

They are also designed in accordance with the NFS 2021:10 standard (The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations for storage of, among other things, diesel within the Swedish water protection area ).

MPP’s ISO certifications:

MPPs are certified according to ISO 9001 & 14001.

mpp certification

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